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Auction # IB-7515 Hisings Backa - Göteborg - Göteborg, Exportgatan 31, Västra Götaland, 12363
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Unit Size

1.5 sqm

Cleaning Deposit

Debit/Credit Card

SEK 1000

Deposition, återbetalas efter kontroll att förrådet är tömt i sin helhet och att det är städat. Efter tömning skall förrådet fotograferas och mailas till [email protected]

Additional Features

Vår kundservice kommer att kontakta dig, eller så kan du nå oss på 020-121120 (vardagar 8:00-17:00) eller [email protected]. Vi lägger in dig i vårt system så att du får tillgång till anläggningen och ditt förråd. Du får ett sms med en länk för att ladda ner Green Storage-appen. Med appen kan du enkelt öppna grindar, entréer och förrådet.

IMPORTANT: All goods are considered "branded as". Brands or artist names (eg. Nike, Wii, Rolex, The Beatles etc) are used for descriptive purposes. Unless otherwise stated, no items have been authenticated by the Storage Facility or its employees. No warranty is provided over the working order of the goods being sold. All goods should be considered as used and untested.

Terms and Conditions

VERY IMPORTANT - READ Before you bid

Soft close:

The iBidOnStorage Ltd. ("iBid") online storage auctions have a soft close. All bids within the last minute will extend the closing time by 2 minutes. This way the person willing to bid the most will win the auction. The auction is officially closed when the "SOLD" notice appears on the auction page, otherwise the auction has gone into a soft close. Below a winning bidder is considered as a "Buyer".

Prices inclusive of VAT:

Unless otherwise stated, all amounts are shown in local currency of where the auction is taking place and inclusive of VAT. This VAT, however, only relates to the goods sold by the storage operator, Green Storage AB (the "Seller" or "Green Storage") and not the services provided by iBid. The Buyer`s Premium of 17.5%, calculated as a percentage of the sale price and payable by the Buyer at the time of purchase is NOT subject to VAT.

Payment and Terms of Claiming the Storage Unit:

Prior to placing a bid, you will be required to enter your debit or credit card details. Should you become the Buyer, the total amount payable will be immediately deducted from this bank card. Should the payment be declined for any reason you will be deemed in breach of contract and be deemed to have defaulted on this Agreement.

From the time you are notified that you are the Buyer, you will have 72 hours to appear at the storage facility, pay the cleaning deposit and remove all goods from the storage unit. Failure to meet any of these conditions will result in a breach of contract and be deemed as a default on this Agreement. In such event, iBid may offer the goods in the storage unit(s) to the next highest bidder, list the goods in the storage unit(s) in iBid`s next scheduled auction sale, or dispose of the goods as if you authorised us to do so, in the event of the latter, you shall be liable for all cleaning and disposal costs.

If you become the Buyer, an account will be created for you at the Green Storage app (the "App") and you will receive an SMS with instructions on how to download the App and log in. Follow the instructions in the App, which will serve as your key to access the storage facility and open the storage unit, by using Bluetooth wireless communication. To access the App you must identify yourself as the Buyer via BankID (or corresponding digital identification tool offered via the App or Green Storage website from time to time) and have access to a mobile network. You are responsible for any carrier costs to receive SMS and to use the App. In order to use the App, you need to enable the following functions: Bluetooth and allow location services. If you prefer not to download the App, please contact Green Storage customer service at 020-121 120, and they will assist you in accessing the storage facility and the storage unit. However, you are highly recommended to download the App for a more convenient experience.

The cleaning deposit will be paid as an assurance the storage unit is entirely cleared out. The cleaning deposit is returned once Green Storage have concluded that the storage unit is empty and satisfactorily cleaned out. Green Storage reserve the right to retain the cleaning deposit if the storage unit is not emptied or cleaned satisfactorily within 72 hours of notification of you becoming the Buyer. Green Storage will also charge for disposal costs if the storage unit is not empty within 72 hours of notification of becoming the Buyer.

IMPORTANT NOTE: All units are sold as a job lot, "as is" and on a what you see is what you get basis. All sales are FINAL as NO REFUNDS are given. No warranties are given in respect of the purchased goods (including, in respect of functionality). All goods should be considered as used and untested and the Seller does not take any responsibility if any of the goods are defect. The Seller`s liability is in any case limited to direct costs.

Pickup and Disposal

Terms & Conditions
Make sure to read the Notice to Buyers at the bottom of this listing.

Ensure you know in which storage unit the goods you are bidding on are located. If you win an auction, make certain you know in which storage unit the goods you have purchased are located. This storage unit number will be noted on the receipt sent to you by iBid.

Identifying Yourself
When you come to collect your purchased goods, you must be able identify yourself as the Buyer. A copy of the Winners Notification documentation plus photo ID must be presented on arrival. This is not necessary if you download the App and identify yourself as the Buyer via BankID (or corresponding digital identification tool offered via the App or Green Storage website from time to time).

Only the registered Buyer is eligible to pick up the goods in the storage unit.

Close of Auction
When the auction closes, you will be immediately notified by email if you have become the Buyer.


Notice to Buyers: This is to inform the Buyers prior to the sale that:

The Seller reserves the right to end an auction at any time and for any reason during the bidding period.

By placing a bid, the Buyer is entering into a legally binding contract (this "Agreement"). If the Buyer does not honour the bid and does not pay for the purchased goods, fees will apply, up to value of the bid placed. Notwithstanding the foregoing, as a Buyer you will have a statutory right to withdraw from the purchase without giving any reason within 14 days from the date you are notified that you are the Buyer. If a Buyer wish to exercise the right of withdrawal, the Buyer shall send a clear notice of such decision to withdraw from the Agreement (e.g., by e-mail) before the expiry of the 14 days` withdrawal period. The Buyer can use the template developed by the Swedish Consumer Agency (Sw. Konsumentverket), but there is no requirement for a Buyer to use it.

The Buyer acknowledges that he or she is bidding on ALL GOODS within the unit and ALL GOODS must be removed from the storage unit and that the storage unit must be cleaned out and emptied in an acceptable manner. In the event that the Buyer does not remove all goods or does not leave the unit clean, the Seller may retain the cleaning deposit and charge the Buyer for the costs of removing the goods and/or cleaning the storage unit.

The Buyer must remove all goods within 72 hours, or the goods will become the property of the Seller unless the Buyer makes appropriate arrangements, signs an agreement for the goods in the storage unit, and pays the current month`s rent for the storage unit in full. If all goods of the storage unit are not removed by the Buyer or an storage unit agreement for the relevant storage unit is not entered into between the Buyer and Seller within the 72 hours period, the Buyer may forfeit its right to the goods in the storage unit and incur a disposal fee. The Buyer shall notify the Seller`s customer service at 020-121 120 or via email at [=] when the storage unit has been emptied and cleaned. For sake of clarity, the Buyer is not allowed to select specific goods from the storage unit and leave any goods behind in the storage unit, as the Buyer is required to completely empty the storage unit. Any goods not wanted by the Buyer from the storage unit shall be taken to a disposal facility by the Buyer, at the Buyer`s expense.

The Buyer`s is responsibility to immediately return all personal property, papers, photos, legal documents, tax returns, bank statements, etc. to the Seller for return to the relevant storage customer in the future. If the Buyer finds any illegal material, firearms, or any item that are considered illegal, then it is the Buyers responsibility to declare and notify the local Police authority of such goods purchased in the iBid auction.